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Graton Gallery - Previous Shows

“Just Us”
featuring the Graton Gallery Partners:
Sally Baker, Harry Frank, Bruce Hopkins,
Rik Olson, Heather Myler, Sandra Rubin,
Tamra Sanchez & Mylette Welch
Show Dates: January 2 - February 9, 2025
Artists Reception: Saturday, January 4, 2025, 1pm - 4pm
Guest Artists: Ceylan Crow & Aaron Nelson,
Linda Loveland Reid & Kim Winter

Harry Frank

Rik Olson

Sandra Rubin

Sally Baker

Mylette Welch

Bruce Hopkins

Healther Myler

Tamra Sanchez

Ceylan Crow

Kim Winter

Aaron Nelson

Linda Loveland Reid

Marguerite Brennan

Mylette Welch
“Flowers, Feathers, Fish and Fur”
Featuring artworks by Mylette Welch & Marguerite Brennan
Guest Artists: Deborah Titus, Kathy McKnight & Jill Libnic
Show Dates: November 14 - December 29, 2024
Artists Reception:
Saturday, November 16, 2024,
1pm - 4pm
More information to come

Jill Libnic

Deborah Titus

Kathy McKnight

Small Works juried show
Featuring the works of 85 local artists!
Show Dates: October 3 - November 10, 2024
Juror: Luann Udell
Artists Reception:
Saturday, October 5, 2024,
1pm - 4pm
“Small Works” 2024 Artist List:
Robin Allison
Celestia Amberstone
Dee Andreini
Maggie Ballard
Tom Ballard
Gay Barner
Enid Barnes
Susan Barri
Tom Basile
Rebecca Bebe
Lisa Beerntsen
Bradain Bello
Dena Bliss
Joan Blumenberg
Katy Boggs
Maggie Bolt
Kelly Burke
Kathy Byrne
Susan Callagy
Tesa Locks Carlsen
M.C. Carolyn
Diane Ceccarelli
Nancy Dempster
Alyson Dobbert
Linda C. Donahue
Tamsen Donner
Anne Dowie
Colleen Dwire
Molly Eckler
Pat Engel
Anita Fenichel
Christine Field
Kerstin Fletcher
Wendy Frades
Jack Freed
Patricia Fritz
Shelly Garrett
Thea Goldstine
Elizabeth Gomes
Barbara Goodman
Branka Harris
Pamela E. Haworth
Tim Haworth
Kathryn Henderson
Andrea Herold
Barbara Jacobs
Destiny Jerkins
Kathy Kever
Barbara Lawson
Jill Libnic
Karen Lockert
Lisa Lombardi
Walter Loniak
Sherrie Lovler
Patricia Marina
Brian Martens
Walt Morton
Omar Mueller
Hilary Mosberg
Suzanne Nagorka
Lonna Necker
Fran Nielsen
Else Olava
Dodi O'Neill
Jay O'Neill
Rebecka Pinkham
Linda Read
Wayne Anthony Rice
Dana Rodney
Dan Rogers
Susan Ryan
Michon Sardella
Monica Schwallenberg-Pena
Paula Smith
Tony Speirs
E.Ryder Sutton
Joyce L. Terres
Rakshika Thakor
Mary Ann Wakefield
Holly Wallace
Erica Warren
Ken Weaver
Linda Weber
Kim Winter
Lynn Zachreson

Bruce Hopkins
“Things CHANGE”
Featuring artworks by Bruce K Hopkins & Susan Shore
Guest Artists: Paul Kobel, Erin O'Brien & Bobbi Lee Wilson
Show Dates: August 22 - September 29, 2024
Artists Reception:
Saturday, August 24, 2024,
1pm - 4pm

Susan Shore

Erin O'Brien

Bobbi Lee Wilson

Paul Kobel

Featuring drawings and prints by Harry Frank
& ceramic vessels by Robyn Beattie
Guest Artists: Barbara Kelley, Lucia Antonelli, Briant Smith
Show Dates: July 11 - August 18, 2024
Artists Reception:
Saturday, July 13, 2024,
1pm - 4pm

Barbara Kelley

Lucia Antonelli

Briant Smith

Tamra Sanchez
“Circuitous Routes and Urban Elements”
Featuring works by Tamra Sanchez & Ellen Gust
Guest Artists: Maury Lapp, Thomas Rothchild, Ceylan Crow & Dan Rogers
Also featuring artists from the
“S E B Arts Emerging Artist Incubator Program”
Show Dates: May 30 - July 7, 2024
Artists Reception:
Saturday, June 1, 2024,
1pm - 4pm

Maury Lapp

Ellen Gust

Dan Rogers

Ceylan Crow

“Roshambo” Juried Show
Anything made of or made on paper.
Anything cut by scissors.
Anything made of rock or stone or stoneware.
Images of rock or paper or sissors.
Juror: Camille Prezwodek
Show Dates:
April 18, - May 26, 2024
Artists Reception:
Saturday, April 20, 1pm - 4pm
“Roshambo” Juried Show 2024 Artist List:
Don Ajello
Jizell Albright
Gay Barner
Stephanie Behasa
Rebecca Bebe
Dena Bliss
Margaret Bolt
Sabra Briere
Jessie S. Buckley
Susan Callagy
Younghwa Choi
Connie Cook
Catherine Cruz
Cheryl Debejare
Tamsen Donner
Anne Dowie
Colleen Dwire
Pat Engel
Christine Field
Patricia Fritz
Daphne Wallace Gerlach
Thea Goldstine
Jerrie Jeme
Bonnie Karlsen
Barbara Lawson
Karen Lockhert
Patricia Marina
Dale Martinetti
Sandi Maurer
Gary Morgret
Emilie Munsch
Suzanne Nagorka
Jay O’Neil
Linda Ortiz
Elizabeth Peyton
Karen Purdy
D Mimi Read
Dana Rodney
Susan Ryan
Karen Spratt
Todd Straus
Zacco Sturr
Christine Sullivan
Deborah Titus
Jean Warren
Bobbi Lee Wilson
Kim Winter
Suzanne Young
“More Paintings”
Featuring works by Sandra Rubin & Thea Golddstine
Guest Artists: Gerald Huth, Carol Decker & Tom Tuchel
Show Dates: March 7 - April 14, 2024
Artists Reception: Saturday, March 9, 2024, 1pm - 4pm

Thea Golddstine

Sandra Rubin

Tom Tuchel

Carol Decker

Gerald Huth

Sally Baker
Featuring watercolors by Sally Baker
with Glassworks by Valerie Adams, Mark Freed,
Branka Harris & Salatino-Gandolfo
With Guest Artist group:
“Creatives by the Bay”
featuring artworks by
Sheri Fox, Suzanne Young, Claire Halenbeck,
Michon Sardella, Lucy Ames, & Gail Andersen
Show Dates: January 25 - March 3, 2024
Artists Reception:
Saturday, January 27, 2024,
1pm - 4pm

Valerie Adams

Mark Freed

Branka Harris

“Creatives by the Bay”

Sheri Fox

Suzanne Young

Claire Halenbeck

Michon Sardella

Lucy Ames

Gail Andersen

12th Annual Small Works juried show
Juror: Charles Becker
Show Dates: December 14, 2023 - January 21, 2024
Artists Reception:
Saturday, December 16, 2023,
1pm - 4pm
The 12th Annual “Small Works” Juried Show 2023-24 Artist List:
Don Ajello
Lucia Antonelli
Julia Baker
Carole Barlas
Gay Barner
Enid Barnes
Susan Barri
Ralph Broussard
Tom Basile
Rebecca Bebe
Katy Boggs
Margaret Bolt
Marguerite Brennan
Sabra Briere
Tim Brody
Jessie Buckley
Kelly Burke
Kathy Byrne
Tesa Locks Carlsen
Diane Ceccarelli
Susan Callagy
Lorraine Chapman
Younghwa Choi
Andrea Cleall
Judith Corning
Susan Simon Corwin
Ceylan Crow
Catherine Cruz
Zann Cuellar
Gale Davis
Cheryl Debejaru
Linda C. Donahue
Tamsen Donner
Anne Dowie
Linda (Pierson) Dove
Colleen Dwire
Molly Eckler
Pat Engel
Mary Faria
Christine Field
Patricia Fritz
Davin Fulmer
Thea Goldstine
Elizabeth Gomes
Teri Haggerty
Pamela Haworth
Tim Haworth
Cambria Hicks
Gene Hicks
Sharon Hopkins
Karen Ide
Berenice Iriks
Carolyn Jarvis
Nancie Jordan
Laura Jorgensen
Barbara Jacobs
Barbara Kelly
Cindy King
Beverly Kjeldsen
Livia Knight
Katie Kruzic
Barbara Lawson
Lisa Lombardi
Karen Lockhert
Sherrie Lovler
Diana Majumdar
Patricia Marina
John Martin
Sandi McCubbin
Pia McKenna
Kathy McKnight
Susan Miron
Clark Mitchell
Gary Morgret
Pamela Nachtigall
Suzanne Nagorka
Lonna Necker
Erin O’Brien
Leah Ocean
Dodi O’Neil
Linda Ortiz
Caryl Emrys – Peron
Elizabeth Peyton
Hope Picci
John Picci
Susan Proehl
Sky Richardson
Michael Rimar
Sharon Rose
Susan Ryan
Francesca Scalpi
Dan Scannell
Victoria Schandler
Valerie Seaberg
Paula Smith
Susandra Spicer
Cynthia Sumner
Louise Tartt
Deborah Titus
Thomas Tuchel
Patrice Wachs
Daphne Wallace Gerlach
Rosemary Ward
Jeff Watts
Linda Weber
Becky Wells
Henry White
Kathleen Willbanks
Carolyn Wilson
Kim Winter
Suzanne Young
Lynn Zachreson

featuring artworks by Rik Olson, Fred Kling and Chuck Pyle
Guest Artists: Ceylan Crow, Anita Fenichel, Beverly Haley, Linda Malone & Deborah Titus
Show Dates: November 2 - December 10, 2023
Artists Reception: Saturday, November 4, 2023, 1pm - 4pm

Beverly Haley

Deborah Titus

Anita Fenichel

Linda Malone

Ceylan Crow
“Essential Geometry” part 2
Featuring paintings by Bruce Hopkins
with Found Object Sculpture by Susan Shore
Guest Artists: Phyllis Rapp, Laura Lind & Patricia Connolly
Show Dates: September 21 - October 29, 2023
Artists Reception: Saturday, September 23, 2023, 1pm - 4pm

Susan Shore

Bruce K Hopkins

Phyllis Rapp

Laura Lind

Patricia Connolly

Heather Myler
“A Stitch Well Lived”
Featuring work by Heather Myler
Guest Artists: Peggy Grills, Nishi Marcus & Jay O'Neill
Show Dates: August 10 - September 17, 2023
Artists Reception: August 12, 2023, 1pm - 4pm

Peggy Grills

Jay O'Neill

Nishi Marcus

“Anything Goes” juried show
Show Dates: July 6 - August 6, 2023
Juror: Pamela Powell
Artists Reception: July 8, 2023, 1pm - 4pm
The “Anything Goes 2023” Artist List:
Don Ajello
Robin Allison
Lucia Antonelli
Gay Barner
Enid Barnes
Susan Barri
Tom Basile
D. A. Bishop
Jamie Blumenthal
Maggie Bolt
Sabra Briere
Kathryn Brown
Jessie Buckley
Kelly Burke
Kathy Byrne
Caren Catterall
Andrea Cleall
Christine Cobaugh
Vesta Copestakes
Judith Corning
Ceylan Crow
Deborah Dart
Cheryl Debejaru
Joy Dellas
Nancy Dempster
Linda C. Donahue
Tamsen Donner
Anne Dowie
Max Dubois
Caryl Emrys- Peron
Pat Engel
Anita Fenichel
Emily Florence
Elizabeth Gomes
D. Gutierrez
Marina Hanson
Sarah Harvey
Tim Haworth
Pamela Haworth
Laurie Howard
Britta Kathmeyer
Barbara Kelly
Cindy King
Livia Knight
Joan Langfeld
Pauline Levy Lazzairini
Karen Lockhert
Rebecca Love
Jill Libnic
Sherrie Lovler
Patricia Marina
Christie Marks
Dale Martinetti
Caterina Martinico
Andrew Mecum
Nahline Mecum
Julien Mecum
Kathryn Meehan
Pam Mikowicz
Emilie Munsch
Suzanne Nagorka
Lonna Necker
Dodi O’Neill
Jay O’Neil
Linda Ortiz
Denise Pellagrini
Elizabeth Peyton
Linda Dove-Pierson
Lisa Pompelli
Linda Loveland Reid
Nancy Sanchietti
Dan Scannell
Valerie Seaberg
Sara Silver
Tony Speirs
Susandra Spicer
Denise Suzuki
Deborah Titus
Mary Ann Wakefield
Rosemary Ward
Linda Weber
Cris Welisch
Rene Dayan-Whitehead

“Partners & Friends”
featuring an artwork by each Graton Gallery Partner and a friend.
Sally Baker & Taylor Gutermute
Harry Frank & Alan Azhderian
Bruce Hopkins & Susan Shore
Heather Myler & Peggy Grills
Rik Olson & Chuck Pyle
Sandra Rubin & Joyce Libeau
Tamra Sanchez & Tamsen Donner
Mylette Welch & Linda Sorensen
Show Dates: May 18 - June 25, 2023
Artists Reception: May 20, 2023 1pm-4pm
Guest Artists: Becky Wells, Sandra Van Blair, Stephen Heagan & Jessie Buckley
Guest Artists

Sandra Van Blair

Becky Wells

Stephen Heagan

Jessie Buckley

“Roshambo” Juried Show
Anything made of or made on paper.
Anything cut by scissors.
Anything made of rock or stone or stoneware.
Images of rock or paper or sissors.
Juror: Catherine Devriese.
with Guest Artists: Timothy Dixon, Omar Mueller & Sky Richardson
Show Dates:
April 6, - May 14, 2023
Artists Reception:
Saturday, April 8, 1pm - 4pm
Roshambo Artists list below

Timothy Dixon

Sky Richardson

Omar Mueller
The “Roshambo 2023” Artist List:
Gerry Arrington
Janet Azevedo
Gay Barner
Tom Basile
Rebecca Bebe
Don Bishop
Katy Boggs
Maggie Bolt
Sabra Briere
Diane Ceccarelli
Vesta Copestake
Ceylon Crow
Zan Cueller
Carol Decker
Nancy Dempster
Suki Diamond
Linda Donahue
Tamsen Donner
Anne Dowie
Daphne Gerlach
Barbara Goodman
Thea Goldstine
Pamela Howarth
Tim Howarth
Nell Hergenrather
Kirk Hinshaw
Linda Koffman
Alice Leichter
Karen Lockert
Christie Marks
Patricia Marina
Sandi McCubbin
Connie Mygatt
Gail Mardfin
Gary Morgret
Suzanne Nagorka
Elizabeth Newton
Leah Ocean
Linda Ortiz
Kris Petersen
Elizabeth Peyton
Bruce Philpott
Hope Picchi
John Picchi
Maria Riconscente
Dana Rodney
Susan Ryan
Deborah Titus
Barbara Tomin
Rebecca Trevino
Carole Watanabe
Linda Weber
Kim Winter
Kay Young

Mylette Welch

Sandra Rubin
“It Might as Well be Spring”
featuring gallery partners Sandra Rubin and Mylette Welch
Show Dates: Friday, February 24 - Sunday, April 2, 2023
Artists Reception:Saturday, February 25, 2023, 1pm - 4pm
with Guest Artists: Nancy Hage & Ceylan Crow

“Small Works” Juried Show 2023
Show Dates:
January 20 - February 19, 2023
Juror: Tim Haworth
Artists Reception: The Small Works reception has been rescheduled to:
Saturday, February 11, 2023, 1pm - 4pm
The “Small Works 2023” Artist List:
Oksana Pekker
Kenneth Pelletier
Mary Louise Perkins
Elizabeth Peyton
Linda Dove Pierson
Mary Prisland
John Picchi
Debbie Plaistone
Susan Proehl
Robin Reiss
Sky Richardson
Maria Riconscente
Teresa Romaine
Dan Scannell
Susan Ryan
Bill Shortridge
Cricket Seagull
Susandra Spicer
Amy Sopinski
Paula Smith
Jan Thomas
Deborah Titus
Aimee Tomczak
Barbara Tomin
Patrice Wachs
Sandra Van Blair
Jeff Watts
Linda Weber
Margaret Williams
Kay Young
Jerry Fabiano
Pamela Faure
Anita Fenichel
Marcella Ford
Judith Grigg Goldberg
Elizabeth Gomes
Barbara Goodman
Teri Haggerty
Branka Harris
Pamela Haworth
Nell Hegenrather
Sharon Huntley
Beverly Kieldsen
P J Kirk
Deborah Lesueur
Karen Lockert
Nancy Lorenz
Linda Koffman
Beth Maizes
Nishi Marcus
Patricia Marina
Dale Martinelli
Caterina Martinico
Susan Miron
Gail S. McKee
Gary Morgret
Lonna Necker
Cecily O’Connor
Jay O’Neil
Robin Allison
Gay Barner
Tom Basile
T Barny
Maggie Bolt
Susan Barri
D A Bishop
Susan Bradford
Marguerite Brennan
Sabra Briere
Tim Brody
Kathy Brown
Jesse Buckley
Kelly Burke
Susan Callagy
Ashley Carollo
Diane Ceccarelli
Andrea Cleall
Connie Cook
Judith Corning
Ceylan Crow
Zann Cuellar
Carol Decker
Donna DeLaBriandais
Roger Dixon
Linda Donahue
Tamsen Donner
Molly Eckler
Leah Engel
Stacey Evans

Graton Gallery
20 Year Aniversary Alumni Exhibition
Featuring the art of Gallery Alumni:
Lisa Beerntsen, Michael Coy, Marylu Downing, Patrick Fanning, James Freed, Tim Haworth, Jill Keller Peters, Pam Powell, Susan Proehl & Tony Speirs
with Guest Artists:
Tracy Martini, Connie Robeson & Amy Sopinski
Show Dates:
November 18 - January 8, 2022
Artists Reception: Saturday, November 19, 2022, 1pm - 4pm

Amy Sopinski

Connie Robeson

Graton Gallery Partners Show:
“Piecing it all Together”
Welcoming our new partner,
Heather Myler
Featuring the art of Gallery Partners:
Sally Baker, Harry Frank, Bruce Hopkins, Heather Myler,
Rik Olson, Sandra Rubin, Tamra Sanchez & Mylette Welch
with Guest Artists:
Katy Boggs, Pamela Heck, Michelle Leonard, Bobbie Remedios
Show Dates:
October 7 - November 13, 2022
Artists Reception: Saturday, October 8, 2022, 2pm - 5pm

Heather Myler

Katy Boggs

Pamela Heck

Michelle Leonard

Bobbie Remedios

Graton Gallery Partners Group Show
Featuring the art of Gallery Partners:
Sally Baker, Harry Frank, Bruce Hopkins, Rik Olson,
Sandra Rubin, Tamra Sanchez & Mylette Welch
with Guest Artists: Jennifer Whitfield &
E. Ryder Sutton, a fund raiser for
Compassion Without Borders to benefit animals.
Show Dates:
August 26 - October 2, 2022
Artists Reception: Saturday, August 27, 2022, 2pm - 5pm

Jennifer Whitfield - guest artist

E Ryder Sutton, a fund raiser for
Compassion Without Borders to benefit animals.

"Anything Goes" Juried Show #8
Show Dates:
July 15 - August 21, 2022
Juror: Tony Speirs - View his paintings HERE
Artists Reception: Saturday, July 16, 2022, 2pm - 5pm
The “Anything Goes 2022” Artist List:
Nishi Marcus
Patricia Marina
Robert D. McFarland
Andrew Mecum
Julien Mecum
Nahline Mecum
Gary Morgret
Heather Myler
Lonna Necker
Jay O’Neil
Lisa Pompelli
Caryl Emrys Peron
Elizabeth Peyton
Debbie Plaistowe
Bill Shortridge
Susandra Spicer
Susan Sweet
Cris Welisch
Rakshika Thakor
Pamela L. Wallace
Linda Weber
Troy Winslow
Kay Young
Leslie Zumwalt
Carol Decker
Roger Dixon
Linda Donahue
Tamsen Donner
Anne Dowie
Molly Eckler
Pat Engel
Patricia Fritz
Daphne Wallace Gerlach
Thea Goldstine
Peggy Grills
Nancy Hage
Teri Haggerty
Sally Harvey
Mark Hotchkiss
Barbara Jacobs
Fred Jacobs
Carolyn Jarvis
Liz Keefe
P.J. Kirk
Pauline Lazzarini
Karen Lockert
Christie Marks
Jenny Abramson
Don Ajello
Robin Allison
David Allison
Kathleen Andre
Gay Barner
Tom Basile
Maggie Bolt
Sabra Briere
Tim Brody
Ralph Broussard
Kathy Brown
Jesse Buckley
Kathy Byrne
Susan Callagy
Diane Ceccarelli
Lorraine Chapman
Patrick Connely
Connie Cook
Judith Corning
D.A. Cousteau
Ceylon Crow
Leslie Dalton

“Earth Bound”
Featuring artworks by Tim Haworth
and Sabra Briere
with Guest Artists: Thea Goldstine, Teri Haggerty & Heather Myler
Show Dates:
June 3 - July 10, 2022
Artists Reception: Saturday, June 4, 2022, 2pm - 5pm

Teri Haggerty

Thea Goldstine

Heather Myler

Clayton to Graton 3.5
Featuring artworks by Rik Olson
and Fred Kling
with Guest Artists: Jenny Abramson, Joanne Klein and Bill Theis
Show Dates:
April 22 - May 29, 2022
Artists Reception: Saturday, Arpil 23, 2022, 2pm - 5pm

Bill Theis

Jenny Abramson

Joanne Klein

11th Annual Small Works Juried Show
Featuring 134 artworks by 72 artists!
Juror: Susan Shore - View her artworks HERE
Show Dates:
March 11 - April 16, 2022
Artists Reception: Saturday, Arpil 2, 2022, 2pm - 5pm
Participating Artists ~ If you are planning to attend the reception please bring wine, another beverage or individually wrapped snack to share, & remember to pick up unsold work 4/16, 10:30-4 or 4/18, 10:30-3, Thank you.
The “Small Works 2022” Artists
Gary Albright
Robin Allison
Lucia Antonelli
Gay Barner
Susan Barri
Tom Basile
Maggie Bolt
Stevan Bosanac
Susan Bradford
Marguerite Brennan
Katy Boggs
Tim Brody
Kathy Byrne
Jesse Buckley
Kelly Burke
Susan Callagy
Diane Ceccarelli
Marsha Connell
Ceylan Crow
Zann Cuellar
D.A. Gordon Dart
Tamsen Donner
Holly Downing
Anne Dowie
Colleen Dwire
Molly Eckler
Pat Engel
Thea Evensen
Mary Faria
Anita Fenichel
Patricia Fritz
Daphne Wallace Gerlach
Thea Goldstine
Teri Haggerty
Pamela Haworth
Pamela Heck
Carroll Hirsch
Nell Hergenrather
Rendell Honrigan
Fred Jacobs
Linda Gvora Jaffe
Gary Lawrence
Michelle Leonard
Pauline Levy
Jazelle Lieske
Patricia Marina
Caterina Martinico
Sandi McCubbin
Kathy McKnight
Susan Miron
Heather Myler
Lonna Necker
Dodi O’Neill
Denise Pellagrini-NeNe
Elizabeth Peyton
Marty Roberts
Dana Rodney
Susan Ryan
Tonia Sassi
Dan Scannell
Sara Silver
Lillian Scripture
Jack Stuppin
Jan Thomas
Betsy Timm
Natalie Timm
Deborah Titus
Barbara Tomin
Patrice Wachs
Carole Watanabe
Linda Weber
Raina Woolfolk
Pastel & Ink
Featuring works by our two new Graton Gallery Partners:
Tamra Sanchez & Harry Frank
Tamra: Inspired by the beauty in the ordinary and moments in time, I strive to capture that spark that best conveys the excitement and spirit that initially caught my attention. My hope is that through my art, the viewer will see with new eyes and a new appreciation of the world around them. For me, pastel is the perfect medium to speak my artists voice.
Harry: As a visual artist I'm interested in the symbolic language of myths, dreams and the unconscious. My work is primarily as a printmaker, producing one of a kind monotypes. I'm a graduate of the Boston Museum School (BFA 1976) where I studied ceramics, drawing and painting. I've been a studio potter, carpenter, and high school Art teacher.
with Guest Artists:
Sabra Briere, Marsha Connell, Sandy McCubbin & Connie Robeson
Show Dates:
January 14 - March 6, 2022

Connie Robeson

Marsha Connell

Sandy McCubbin

Sabra Briere

Gallery Partners Holiday Show
Featuring works by all the Graton Gallery Partners:
Sally Baker, Harry Frank, Tim Haworth,
Bruce Hopkins,Rik Olson, Sandra Rubin,
Tamra Sanchez And Mylette Welch
with Guest Artists:
Thea Goldstine, Sabra Briere, Connie Robeson
& Marguerite Brennan
Show Dates:
November 19, 2021 - January 9, 2022

Marguerite Brennan

Thea Goldstine

Connie Robeson

Sabra Briere

The Third Way ~ Bruce K. Hopkins
“Essential Geometry”
Featuring new works by
Bruce K. Hopkins
Show Dates:
Friday, October 8 - Sunday, November 14, 2021
with Guest Artists: Jackie Kirk, Karen Lockert and Teresa Worley

Teresa Worley

Jackie Kirk

Karen Lockert

Anything Goes #6 2021” Annual Juried Show
Show Dates:
August 27 - October 3, 2021
Juror: Satri Pencak
Special Guest: Patricia Fritz
Artist Reception: To be determined
The “Anything Goes 2021” Artists
Jemma Foster
Peggy Grills
Daphne Wallace Gerlach
Nancy Gingrich
Nina Hari
Pamela Haworth
Mark Hotchkiss
Barbara Jacobs
Carolyn Jarvis
Robin Easterbrook Leal
Karin Lease
Karen Lockert
Dale Martinetti
Deni Marrone
Lonna Necker
Patricia Oberg
Anissa Rust
Susan Ryan
Nancy Sanchietti
Dan Scannell
Sara Silver
Georgia Simmons
Dave Stohl
Rakshika Thakor
Steve Weinberger
Jenny Abramson
Gary Albright
Robin Allison
K. Dougall Anderson
Kathleen Andre
Susan Barri
Tom Basile
Galya Bayreuther
Maggie Bolt
Sabra Briere
Kathy Byrne
Susan Callagy
Marsha Connell
Judith Corning
Ceylon Crow
Damon Davies1
Roger Dixon2
Tamsen Donner
Anne Dowie
Colleen Dwire
Pat Engel
Mary Faria
Jaclyn Finkle
Abby Foster
Bou NcNulty Foster

“Colors of the Earth”
Featuring works by gallery partners
Mylette Welch and Tim Haworth .
Also featuring Guest Artists:
Judith Corning, Adrienne Momi,
Patricia Oberg & Dana Rodney.
“& More!”
Also featuring the works of artists from the
Sebastopol Center of the Arts open studios events.
Show Dates:
July 16 - August 22, 2021

Tim Haworth

Patricia Oberg

Mylette Welch

Adrienne Momi

Judith Corning

Dana Rodney
Current hours: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am - 4pm
and by appointment.
All current Covid precautions will be maintained

Graton Gallery presents ~
“Small Works 2021” Juried Show
Juror: Harry Frank
Also featuring:
Guest Artist: Taylor Gutermate
Also featuring the works of artists from the Sebastopol Center of the Arts open studios events.
Show Dates:
May 28 - July 11, 2021

Taylor Gutermate
The Small Works 2021 Artists
Pauline Levy Lazzarini - 1
Eileen Libby - 1
Karen Lockert - 1
Gaili Manfre - 1
Deni Marrone - 2
Glenn McCrea – 2
Christine McNamara - 2
Carol Mills - 1
Janice Morikawa - 1
Pamela Nachtigall - 2
Julie Nunn - 2
Cecily O’Connor - 1
Roy Raymond - 1
Nancy Rae Ricciardi - 1
Marty Roberts - 1
Noel Ryan - 2
Susan Ryan - 1
Melissa Sanchez - 2
Tamra Sanchez - 1
Jeff Sheppard - 2
Susan Shore - 1
Susandra Spicer - 1
Susan St Thomas - 1
Angela Z. Sturr - 1
Joanne Tauffer - 1
Jan Thomas - 2
Kristen Thureson - 2
Daphne Wallace Gerlach - 2
Linda Weber - 1
Jean M. Witzke - 2
Tom Basile - 2
Robert Benson - 2
D A Bishop - 1
Maggie Bolt - 2
Margurite Brennan - 2
Sabra Brierer - 2
Tim Brody - 1
Jessie Buckley - 1
Kathy Byrne - 2
Susan Callagy - 1
Diane Ceccarilli - 1
Daniel Celidore - 2
Judith Corning - 1
Zann Cuellar - 2
Damon Davies - 1
Donna DeLaBriandais - 2
Roger Dixon - 2
Tamsen Donner - 2
Linda Dove Pierson - 1
Anne C Dowie - 2
Colleen Dwire - 2
Molly Eckler - 1
Pat Engel - 2
Patricia Fritz - 1
Taylor Gutermute - 1
Pamela Haworth - 1
Sharon Hopkins - 1
Mark Hotchkiss - 1
Barbara Jacobs - 2
Linda Koffman - 2
Claudia Kruse- - 1

“Point, CounterPoint” & More!
“Point, CounterPoint”
Featuring works by gallery partners Sally Baker and
Rik Olson .
“& More!”
Also featuring Guest Artists:
Maggie Valenzuela, Harry Frank, Nancy Ray Ricciardi & Edward Thompson.
Also featuring the works of artists from the
Sebastopol Center of the Arts open studios events.
In memory of popular local sculptor and friend of the gallery, we will also be featuring the work of
Frank Schueler.
Show Dates:
April 16 - May 23, 2021
To maintain heath safety precautions there will not be an artists reception.
Please note:
Reduced hours Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am - 4pm
and by appointment.

Sally Baker

Maggie Valenzuela

Rik Olson

Harry Frank

Nancy Ray Ricciardi

Edward Thompson

“Guest Artist Show ” & More!
Featuring Guest Artists:
Marylu Downing, Susan Proehl, Connie Robeson,
Ceylan Crow & Damon Davies.
“& More!”
Hither and Yon
Works by gallery partners Sandra Rubin and
Bruce Hopkins will be featured.
Also featuring the works of artists from the
Sebastopol Center of the Arts open studios events.
In memory of popular local sculptor and friend of the gallery, we will also be featuring the work of
Frank Schueler.
Show Dates:
March 6 - April 11, 2021
To maintain heath safety precautions there will not be an artists reception.
Please note:
Reduced hours Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am - 4pm
and by appointment.

Bruce Hopkins

Sandra Rubin

Connie Robeson

Susan Proehl

Damon Davies

Ceylan Crow

Marylu Downing

Graton Gallery presents ~
An Online Show here on our gallery website,
January 16 - February 28, 2021
This is a non-juried show of 40 artists from our community.
Show Dates:
January 16 - February 28, 2021

“Guest Artist Show 5” & More!
Featuring 5 Guest Artists:
Sara Silver, Cheri Degenhart, Connie Robeson, Elizabeth Payton & Victoria Kochergin.
“& More!”
Also featuring the works of artists from the Sebastopol Center of the Arts open studios events.
Works by gallery partners Mylette Welch and
Tim Haworth are be featured in the front.
Show Dates:
January 16 - February 28, 2021
To maintain heath safety precautions there will not be an artists reception.
Please note:
Reduced hours Saturdays and Sundays from 11am - 4pm
and by appointment.

Sara Silver

Connie Robeson


Elizabeth Payton

Victoria Kochergin

Graton Gallery Partners'
“Virtual Show #1”
Featuring artworks by the gallery partners:
Sally Baker
Tim Haworth
Bruce Hopkins
Rik Olson
Sandra Rubin
Mylette Welch
Show Dates:
November 15, 2020- January 31, 2021

“Guest Artist Show 4 & More!”
Featuring 5 Guest Artists:
Sara Silver, Emilie Munsch, Leslie Dalton, Cheri Degenhart & Connie Robeson.
“& More!”
Featuring the work of glass artist Mark Freed.
In memory of popular local sculptor and friend of the gallery, we will also be featuring the work of
Frank Schueler.
Show Dates:
November 21, 2020 - January 10, 2021
To maintain heath safety precautions there will not be an artists reception.
Please note:
Reopening reduced hours Saturdays and Sundays from 11am - 4pm
and by appointment.

Sara Silver

Emilie Munsch

Mark Freed

Leslie Dalton


Connie Robeson

Frank Schueler

“Guest Artist Show 2”
Featuring 5 Guest Artists:
Vicki Folkerts-Coots, Nina Hari, Patricia Marina, Andrea Sheets & Eric Wallen
Show Dates:
September 4 - November 15, 2020
To maintain heath safety precautions there will not be an artists reception.
Please note:
Reopening reduced hours Saturdays and Sundays from 11am - 4pm
and by appointment.

Patricia Marina

Nina Hari

Vicki Folkerts-Coots

Andrea Sheets

Eric Wallen

Reopening show featuring
“6 Guest Artists”
Guest Artists:
Charlotte Ballinger, Karen Lockhart, Gale S. McKee,
Connie Mygatt, Patricia Oberg and Jay O'Neil.
Show Dates:
July 10 - August 30, 2020
To maintain heath safety precautions there will not be an artists receptlon.
Please note:
Reopening reduced hours are Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am - 4pm.

Karen Lockhart

Patricia Oberg

Connie Mygatt

Gale S. McKee

Charlotte Ballinger

Jay O'Neil

“Clayton to Graton 3”
Featuring Rik Olson & Fred Kling
Two Old, Old friends from the first grade are showing their Art together for the third time. We are still alive and kickin....
Guest Artists:
James Freed, Timothy Dixon,
Johanna Ottenweller & Ron Douglas Smoot
Show Dates:
February 25 - March 29, 2020
Saturdsay, February 29, 2020, 2pm - 5pm, Leap Year Day!

Small Works Juried Show
Clark Mitchell
Show Dates:
January 21 - February 23, 2020
Artists Reception:
Saturday, January 25, 2pm - 5pm
The Small Works 2020 Artists and Entries
Lonna Necker:
Golden Trees
Pink Cyclamen
Patricia Oberg:
Mondrian Cafe
Sarah Ohala:
Upside Down
1, 2, 3
Jay O’Neil:
She’s Nuts
Time’s Up Peace Maker
Linda Ortiz:
Sandra Osequera:
Still Life With...
Sasha Pepper:
Elizabeth Peyton:
Black Eyed Susan
Morning Glory
Leslie Prindle Klein:
Donna Farfalla
Connie Robeson:
Salt Fired Box
C. Anissa Rust:
Bob and Tom
Susan Ryan:
A Thing of Beauty
La Gallina
Tamra Sanchez:
Fig Trio, Sunrise
Dan Scannell:
Tiny Dancer
Painted Lady
Valerie Seaberg:
Tuart Eucalyptus Vessel
Gift from the Sea
Pit Fired Egg
Randall Sequeira:
Jewel Shield:
Heaven and Earth Merging
Floral Delicacy
Fern Opening
Georgia Simons:
Love My Grapes
Sweet Little Mandarin
Frank Schueler:
Late Summer
Marcy Silveira:
All I Need
Sherwin M. Silverman:
Joyful Encounter
Ron Smoot:
Hood Mountain, Goat Rock
Susandra Spicer:
No Secret
The Holy Ones
The Message Center
Pat Spitzig:
Linda Sorensen:
Dave Stohl:
Nailed It
Jan Thomas:
Summer Vines
Eastside Sunset
Barbara Tomin:
Moonlight in the Golden Forest
Thynn Thynn:
Blue Orchid
Lotis Pond
Carole Watanabe:
Canine Confident
Jeff Watts:
Oil Can
Linda Weber:
Harmony II
Steve Weinberger:
Peneda Touro
Rae Ann Williams:
Sunny Today
Molly Eckler:
Venus Dons a New Hat
Corporate Venus
Crow Crossing
Caryl Emrys-Peron:
Persimmon #1
Passion Flower #
Amy Ericksen:
Barbara Evans:
Lovely Coast
Green Foothills
Thea Evensen:
Everything Moves
Beth Failor:
Ponte Vecchio
Piazza Santo Spirito
Harbor at Desenzano
Mary Faria:
Rower on Richardson Bay
Four Satsumas in a Row
Vickie Folkerts Coots:
Monk’s Stone
James M. Freed:
Emeryville Marina
Salish Sea Sunset
Sebastopol Sunset
Mark J. Freed:
Otter Rods
Red Son
Patricia Fritz:
Bashing in the Moon
Thea Goldstine:
Landscape #1
Nancy Hage:
Back Fence Apples
Nick’s Cove
San Francisco
Rose Halady:
Red Poppy
Nina Hari:
Swan Song
The Travelers
Greg Haworth:
Branches of Emain Ablach
Pamela Haworth:
Elisabeth Hegedus:
Birches in Winter Dusk
Kirk Hinshaw:
Mark Hotchkiss:
Distance in Blue and Green
Fred Jacobs:
Pigeon in a Pipe
Liquid Bell Peppers
Rock and Sand
Barbara Jacobs:
This Planet is…
More Than One Way…
Aerial Pathways
Carolyn Jarvis:
Big Red
Myrna Kappler:
Russian River
Cindy King :
Sweet Nectar
Joan Langfeld:
Only the Ravens Know
Robin Leal:
Flowers and Persimmons
Still Life with Persimmons
Moroccan Vase
Karen Lockert:
Sherrie Lovler:
Lost Horizon
Patricia Marina:
John Moore:
Gary Morgret:
Japanese Maple Landscape, Great Blue Heron
Lucia Antonelli:
Cactus Flower
Window of the Soul
Gay Barner:
I’m Running Out of Town
Susan Barri:
Gentle Ben, Little Bun Bun
Tom Basile:
Judith Belfiore:
Phil’s Bird
D.A. Bishop:
Miss Adele’s Chevrolet Coupe
Frank Blood:
Metal Figure
Maggie Bolt:
Touch of Frost
Arabesque Moon
Ancient Journey
Ellen Boulanger:
Can’t Take the Country Out of the Girl
Marguerite Brennan:
Susan Bradford:
Sabra Briere:
Oak and Liquid Amber
Looking Up a Tree
Tim Brody:
Point Arena
Spring Meadow
Black Point Path
Tracy Brusman:
Jessie Buckley:
Desert Ice Pond
Streams and Mountain
Patrick Burke:
Caren Catteral:
Golden Queen Bee
Bee Fairy Leads them…
Trying On Their…
Diane Ceccarelli:
Up and Away
Andrea Cleall:
Connie Cook:
Judith Corning:
Skull #7 Skunks
Evening Tilden Brown
Zann Cuellar:
Vintage Steamer
Vintage Tweeter
Deborah Cushman:
Mission San Antonio
Sebastopol Fall
Lindy Date:
Damon Davies:
West of Paradise
Joyce Delario:
Palo Verde on Sunny Dune Road
Old Creamery
Donna DelaBriandais:
In Motion
Merced River
T. D. Dixon:
Arch Rock Surf
Mexican Mug
Linda Donahue:
Tamsen Donner:
Give It Up
Proud Barry
Linda Dove Pierson:
Lovely Pair
Anne Dowie:
Found in the Field
Lost in Time
Don Drummond:
Crystal Twins
Colleen Dwire:
Let Light Descend
All Together Now

Now and Then ~ Sandra Rubin and Gage Opdenbrouw
with Guest Artists:
Suki Diamond, Linda Sorenson, Debbie Van Dyke & Steve Weinberger
Show Dates:
December 17, 2019, - January 19, 2020
Artists Reception:
Saturday, December 21, 2pm - 5pm

Sally Baker ~ Transparency Matters
with Glass Artists:
Valerie Adams, Mark Freed, Branka Harris,
Salatino Gandolfo & Monica Boetcher
with Guest Artists:
Christine McNamara, Younghwa Choi,
Connie Robeson & Francesca Scalpi
Show Dates:
November 12, - December 15, 2019
Artists Reception:
Saturday, November 16, 2pm - 5pm

Bruce Hopkins ~ Outside In
Chris Cheek ~ Sight Poems
with Guest Artists:
Shook C. Chung and Corrine Haverinen
Show Dates:
October 8, - November 10, 2019
Artists Reception:
Saturday, October 12, 2pm - 5pm

Paintings • Sculpture
Featuring new work by:
Susan Proehl & Susan Stover
with Guest Artists:
Andrea Leland, Marcy Wheeler, Joanne Taeuffer and Christie Marks
Show Dates:
September 3, - October 6, 2019
Artists Reception:
Saturday, September 7, 2pm - 5pm

Anything Goes #5 Juried Show and Cigar Box Show
Show Dates:
August 6, - September 1, 2019
Artists Reception:
Saturday, August 10, 2pm - 5pm
The Anything Goes #5 Entries
James Peyton:
Linda Dove-Pierson:
Trish Power:
Silent Warrior
Connie Robeson:
Carbon Trap
Tamra Sanchez:
Koi Play
Sherrie Sinclair:
Lion Queen
Frank Schueler:
A New Day
Andrea Dost Sheets:
In Frida’s Head
Andrea Dost Sheets:
Autumn Pear
Susan Shore:
Super Moon
Linda Sorensen:
Dawn Dune, Death Valley
Camille Selhorst:
Dreaming in Pink
Georgia Simons:
My Beautiful Chanate View
Marilyn Sommer:
Still Life w/ Irish Soda Bread
Rose Stamm:
Jan Stamos:
Paper Leaves
Jan Stamos:
David Stohl:
The Pencil is More Mightier Than the Pen
Shortest Pencil
Ron Sumner:
Got Milk
Patricia Swayne:
Don’t Touch
See Me
Rakshika Thakor:
Belly Dance
Ian Tait:
Black Backed Jackal
Baby Giraffes
Bill Taylor:
Freestone Store
Man of From
Gary Tharler:
Girl in Shadow
Lisa Todd:
Barbed Wire Renaissance Owl
Eric Wallen:
Sell-Outs on Pogo Sticks
Linda Weber:
Through the Green Window
Lynn Williams:
Sunday Drive
Char Wood:
Green Barn
Patricia Fritz:
Another Opening
Exhibit #6 Dragon
Marilyn Greenblat:
Following Rain
Taylor Gutermute:
Falling Floating
Spine Tree
Nina Hari:
Low Tide Memories
At the Beach
Greg Haworth:
Belladonna Mortale
Pamela Haworth:
The Find
Cynthia Hipkiss:
Blue footed Booby
Mark Hotchkiss:
Drake’s Estuary
Fred Jacobs:
Barbara Jacobs:
Swimming Uphill
Rolling Hills, Rolling Water
Lorri Marie Jenkins:
Judged by the Cover
Leslie Prindle-Klein:
Windhover 2
Chateau dans la Mer
Barbara Kelley:
Lunar Drift
Ron Lester:
Water Flows
Crystal Ball Universe
Blue Pearl
Linda Koffman:
Glass Platter
Ed Lark:
Hendy Woods
Salt Point Etchings
Karen Lockert:
Blue Door - Inner Studio
Patricia Marina:
In Celebration of….
Dale Martinetti:
What Wrought
Rise and Fall
Clark Mitchell:
Golden Welcome
Connie Mygatt:
Meditation Rock
I’m All Ears
Lonna Necker:
French Figs
Evelyn Nitzberg:
O Gravity
Reflecting Upon
Patricia Oberg:
Interior I
Sandra Osequera:
Ginger Jar
Elizabeth Peyton:
Real Voyage
Sergio Almendares:
Laguna de Santa Rosa
Susan Amalia:
Nearly: Somethig Brilliant Fell from the Sky
K Dougall Anderson:
Kapa Dragon Creel
Cecily Axt:
Shrine #1
Enid Barnes:
Fabric Jewel Necklace
Tom Basile:
Grandpa’s Shoe
Reflected Power
Susan Barri:
Light Your Heart with Gladness
Galya Bayreuther:
Crested Bird
Rebecca Bebe:
La Patissiere
Judy Bianchi:
Touch of Mustard
Margaret Bolt:
Lucky Charms
Spiritual Journey
Santorini Morning
Susan Bradford:
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Carla Marie Bratt:
Marguerite Brennan:
Sabra Briere:
Storm Coming
Tim Brody:
Cormorants Cove
Meadow Passage
Susan Callagy:
Poplar Tree
Dale Jewell-Celidore:
Connie Cook:
Gayle Cooper:
The Canal
Judith Corning:
Tilden, Jewel Lake, Blue & Black
Still Life: Bobcat Skull
Zann Cuellar:
Vintage Humor
Timothy David Dixon:
Liquid Inspiration
Damon Davies:
Tamsen Donner:
Early One Morning
Lindsey Dowd:
Plump Pears
Anne Dowie:
Moments in Time
Mary Faria:
Maker’s Mark Before Slamming it Down
Cigar Box Show Entries
Dale Jewell-Celidore: Clock
Cynthia Hipkiss My Insect Collection
Patricia Marina: Heart Full Box in a Box
Patricia Swayne: Boxes Are for Cigars

Mylette Welch
Featuring new work by:
Mylette Welch, Elia Murray & Amy Smith
with Guest Artists:
Susan Barri, Jeanne Hennessey, Carol Leonti and Ron Sumner
Show Dates:
July 2, - August 4, 2019
Artists Reception:
Saturday, July 6, 2pm - 5pm

Amy Smith

Elia Murray

Tim Haworth

Roy Raymond
BEING THERE ~ Art in the Moment
Featuring work by:
Tim Haworth and Roy Raymond
with Guest Artists:
Barbara Jacobs, Robert Ingram, Robin Reiss & Linda Lee Boyd
Show Dates:
May 28, - June 30, 2019
Artists Reception:
Saturday, June 1, 2pm - 5pm

Susandra Spicer

Marylu Downing

Hap Sakwa
Round and Round We Go...
Imaginative Mixed-Media Work by:
Marylu Downing, Hap Sakwa and Susandra Spicer
with Guest Artists:
Monica Lee Boutz, Janet Doto,
Catarina Martinico & Lorraine Stribling
Show Dates:
April 23, - May 26, 2019
Artists Reception:
Saturday, April 27, 2pm - 5pm

Roshambo Juried Show
Anything made of or made on paper.
Anything cut by scissors.
Anything made of rock or stone or stoneware
Show Dates:
March 19, - April 20, 2019
Artists Reception:
Saturday, March 23, 2pm - 5pm
Juror: Satri Pencak
The Roshambo Artists
Sergio Almendares: Candelabra with Birds
Gerald Arrington: Untitled Cairn ~ Neolithic Teapot ~Untitled Vase
Cecily Axt: Wintersong 1 ~ Wintersong 2
Tom Basile: Kimono ~ Mushroom
Judy Bianchi: Jigsaw Puzzle
Margaret Bolt: Giving Memories a Voice ~ Glorious Sunsets
Galya Bayreuther: Three Wishes Women with Wings ~ Resting Butterfly
Sabra Briere: Dreaming of India
Younghwa Choi: Spring
Mary Chouinard: Rock on Art Vase ~ Rock on Art Planter
Shook Chung: Falling ~ Bamboo ~ Awakening
Zann Cuellar: Pueblo
Kate Donovan: Relics
Anne Dowie: The Ballad of Maggie Taylor
Max Dubois: Alley
Michelle Dwyer: Year of the Pig
Mary Ely: Doggie Dreams ~ County Fair Winners
Pat Engel: Fish Bowl ~ Carp Box
Thea Evensen: Fragments
Patricia Fritz: A Trip to the Bakery
Ross Grossman: Europe c 1680 ~ After Mu Ch’i Six Persimmons
Greg Haworth: Rooted
Pamela Haworth: Tangerines
Lorna Ho: After the Fog
Sharon Hopkins: Entering Mesa Verde ~ Pebbles and Watercolor
Mark Hotchkiss: View of the City
Barbara Jacobs: Between two Suns
Fred Jacobs: Nets-Bodega ~ Junk and Collage
Myrna Kappler: Bodega Bay
Leslie Prindle-Klein: Full House ~ Befitting Royalty
Nancy Lorenz: Fish on Coral
Christie Marks: Hejira 2 ~ Hejira 3
Christine McNamera: Stone Shapes
Connie Mygatt: Balance ~ Comparative Rascality
Heather Myler: Playa Hermosa
Elizabeth Newton: Bo-Sham-Ro
Leah Ocean: One River
Linda Ortiz: Prayer Rug
Jill Keller Peters: Sunshine Garden
Caro Pemberton: The Ancient
Elizabeth Peyton: Homage to Warhol
Mary Prisland: Glass Cairn
Roy Raymond: Bean Pot
Sarah Rosenberg: Rock Stars Lair
Susan Ryan: Bee ~ Perfect Pig
Valerie Seaborg: Night Bloom
Christopher Silva-Broussard: Mama
Sherrie H Sinclair: Red Aspens ~ Savanna Daydreamin’
Marinka Solman: Ballerina
Cynthia Sumner: Revealing 1 ~ Swirl ~ Gazelle-Spirit
Eric Wallen: Man Bun Collectors
Jean Warren: Makes Me Smile
Carole Watanabe: Entering
Linda Weber: Flights of Fancy
Becky Wells: Empty and Full ~ Going Forward
Rene Dayan-Whitehead: Revolution ~ Earth Flame 4

Partners and Friends
Each of us eight partners of the Graton Gallery has invited an artist friend
to show a piece of art alongside ours for this Partners & Friends Show.
Partners & Friends:
Sally Baker ~ Frank Schueler
Marylu Downing ~ Becky Wells
Tim Haworth ~ Roy Raymond
Bruce Hopkins ~ Susan Ball
Rik Olson ~ Jane Cavala
Susan Proehl ~ Suzanne Jacquot
Sandra Rubin ~ Laura Jorgensen
Mylette Welch ~ Heather Myler
with glass artists ~ Salatino/Gandolfo:
with Guest Artists:
Kelly Burke, Ceylan Crow & Sky Richardson
Show Dates:
February 12, - March 17, 2019
Artists Reception:
Saturday, February 16, 2pm - 5pm

10th Annual Small Works Show
Show Dates:
January 9 - February 10, 2019
Artists Reception:
Saturday, January 12, 2019, 2pm - 5pm
Pamela Powell and Lisa Andrews
Download a Printable Small Works Postcard.
The Artists:

New works from Susan Proehl
Guest Artists:
Barbara Regan, Connie Robeson,
Cynthia Sumner & Catherine Walters
Show Dates:
December 4, 2018 - January 6, 2019
Artist Reception & Holiday Party:
Saturday, December 8, 2pm -5pm

“From Clayton to Graton 2”
Featuring Rik Olson & Fred Kling
Two friends from the first grade
are showing their Art together
Guest Artists:
Janet Doto, Don Kuhn,
Laura Mueller & Francesca Scalpi
Show Dates:
October 30 - December 2, 2018
Saturdsay, November 3, 2pm - 5pm

“Abstractions, Distractions, Reactions”
Featuring Bruce Hopkins & Susan Shore
Guest Artists:
Judy Bianchi, Katie Kruzic, Cathy Locke & Phil Wright
Show Dates:
September 25 - October 28, 2018
Saturday, September 29, 2pm - 5pm

Anything Goes Juried Show & Cigar Box
Show Dates:
August 21 - September 23, 2018
Artists Reception:
Saturday, August 25, 2018, 2pm - 5pm
Catherine Devriese

“It’ Personal ~ Paintings from our Lives”
Featuring Sandra Rubin & Marylu Downing
Guest Artists:
Susan Berg, Harry Frank, Ron Sumner & Joanne Taeuffer
Show Dates:
July 17 - August 19, 2018
Saturday, July 21, 2018, 2pm - 5pm

“What We See”
Featuring Tim Haworth with Antonio Sommers & Susan Greer
Guest Artists:
Marnie Donaldson, Barbara Jacobs, Tamra Sanchez & Ian Tait
Show Dates:
June 12 - July 15, 2018
Saturday, June 16, 2018, 2pm - 5pm

“Feathers and Fur”
Featuring Mylette Welch with Lauri Luck and Suki Diamond
Guest Artists:
Rose Esterbrook, Howard Klee, John McCormick, Robin Reiss and Susan Shore
Show Dates:
May 8 - June 10, 2018
May 12, 2018, 2pm - 5pm

The Ninth Invitational Exhibition
Featuring 34 of Northern California's well known painters, printmakers and sculptors:
Susan Ball,
D. A. Bishop,
James Brzezinski,
Tamsen Donner,
Holly Downing,
Suzanne Edminster,
Steve Emery,
Susan Gonzales,
Taylor Gutermute,
Nelson Hee,
Cynthia Hipkiss,
Laurel Hope,
Ned Kahn,
Tom Killion,
Richard Lindenburg,
Kathleen Lipinski,
Diana Majumdar,
Christie Marks,
Clark Mitchell,
Monty Monty,
Bob Nugent,
Lynda Nugent,
Camile Przewodek,
Carol Peek,
Eric Rewitzer,
Tamra Sanchez,
Hannah Skoonberg,
Terry Sauve,
Sandra Speidel,
David Stohl,
Mary Vaughan,
Martha Wade,
Hilary Williams and
Hillary Younglove.
Show Dates:
April 3 - May 6, 2018
Come and meet the artists at the
Artists Reception:
Saturday, April 7, 2pm - 5pm

Partners and Friends
Featuring works by
Sally Baker ~ Taylor Gutermute
Marylu Downing ~ Sherri Ortegren
Tim Haworth ~ Max Dubois
Bruce K Hopkins ~ Heather Myler
Susan Proehl ~ Connie Mygatt
Rik Olson ~ Jane Cavala
Sandra Rubin ~ Alan Johnson
Mylette Welch ~ Christine Comstock
with Guest Artists:
Ann Dowie, David Aughenbaugh,
Gary Morgret and Jean Warren
Show Dates:
February 27, - April 1, 2018
Artists Reception:
Saturday, March 3, 2pm - 5pm

7th Annual Juried Small Works Exhibition GGSW7
Featuring 105 local artists with over 200 individual artworks!
Show Dates:
January 23 - February 25, 2018
Artists Reception:
Saturday, January 27, 2018, 2pm - 5pm
Pamela Powell

“From Clayton to Graton” ~ Fred Kling & Rik Olson
Two old friends from the first grade are showing their art together after all these years.
Guest Artists:
Students of Michael Coy, Cathy Locke & Anissa Rust
Show Dates:
December 19, 2017 - January 21, 2018
Artists Reception:
Saturday, December 23, 2017, 2pm - 5pm

“Inside Out” ~ Susan Proehl & Sandra Rubin
Also featuring Guest Artists:
Cynthia Jackson-Hein, Linda Malone, Matt Proehl & Connie Robeson
Show Dates:
November 7 - December 17, 2017
Artists Reception:
Saturday, November 11, 2017, 2pm - 5pm
Holiday Art Event:
Music by The Plein Aire Players , with free cider, wine and cookies
Saturday, December 16, 2017, 1pm - 3pm
Gather: A Nature-Based Mixed-Media Show
~ Marylu Downing, Susan Miron and Leslie Zumwalt
Also featuring Guest Artists:
Patty Bird, Lily Bobek, Eric Snyder & Phil Wright
Show Dates:
September 26 - November 5, 2017
Artists Reception:
Saturday, September 30, 2017, 2pm - 5pm

3rd Annual “Anything Goes” Juried Show
Juried by: Nelson Hee and Linda Schroeter.
Show Dates:
August 22 - September 24, 2017
Artists Reception: Saturday, August 26. 2pm - 5pm
Annual Cigar Box show
This year's Cigar Box Show is running concurrently with the Anything Goes show.

“Stormy Weather” (Resist!) ~ Mylette Welch with Richard Benbrook
Also featuring Guest Artists:
Kathryn Boggs, Joanie Springer, Ron Sumner and Char Wood
Show Dates:
July 11 - August 20, 2017
Artists Reception:
Saturday, July 15, 2017, 2pm - 5pm

“Line and Color” Bruce K Hopkins and R B Ward
Also featuring Guest Artists:
Kate E. Black, Sukha Carfagno, Clark Mitchell and Joane Taeuffer
Show Dates:
May 30 - July 9, 2017
Artists Reception:
Saturday, June 3, 2017, 2pm - 5pm

“Transparency - It's All About Glass”
~ Sally Baker
with Glass Artists: Valerie Adams, Branka Harris,
Mark Freed, Laurence Gandolfo-Salatino & Carla Sarvis
Also featuring Guest Artists:
Robert Ingram, Karren Reyburn, Helen Mehl & Luann Udell
Show Dates:
April 18 - May 28, 2017
Artists Reception:
Saturday, April 22, 2017, 2pm - 5pm

“Lake Tahoe” by Tim Haworth

“Maida Vale” by Susan Ball
“Space Retraced” ~ Susan Ball & Tim Haworth
Guest Artists:
Sasha Pepper, Carol Leif,
Lily Bobek & Sandra Speidel
Show Dates:
March 7 - April 16, 2017
Artists Reception:
Saturday, March 11, 2017, 2pm - 5pm

6th Annual Juried Small Works Exhibition GGSW6
Show Dates:
February 1 ~ March 5, 2017
Artists Reception:
Saturday, February 4, 2017, 2pm - 5pm
Sandra Speidel

New Paintings by Sandra Rubin & Thea Goldstine
Guest Artists:
Susan Berg, Matt Proehl, Daphne Wallace Gerlach & Char Wood
Show Dates:
December 20, 2016 ~ January 29, 2017
Artists Reception:
Saturday, January 7, 2017, 2pm - 5pm

“mere color...” ~ New Abstracts by Susan Proehl
Guest Artists:
Rebeca Trevino, Paula Strother,
Rosemary Ward & E Ryder Sutton
Show Dates:
November 8 ~ December 18, 2016
Artists Reception:
Saturday, November 12, 2016, 2pm - 5pm

Image detail from carved gourd by Carla Marie Bratt
Holiday Party
Sunday, December 4, 2016, Noon-4pm
Enjoy art, treats, beverages and music.
In appreciation of our many fine gallery artisans,
and to thank you for your support.
Join us in this Celebration of the Season.

“What You See...” ~ New Works by Bruce K Hopkins
Guest Artists:
Matt Proehl, Claire Fenlon May,
Delisa Sage & Jennifer Whitfield
Show Dates:
September 28 ~ November 6, 2016
Artists Reception:
Saturday, October 1, 2016, 2pm - 5pm

2nd Annual “Anything Goes” Juried Show
Featuring over 100 artworks by over 60 artists.
Juror: Pamela Powell, a local painter and art instructor.
Show Dates:
August 17 - September 25, 2016
Artists Reception:
August 20, 2016, 2pm - 5pm

“Don't Make me Laugh” ~ Mylette Welch & Maria Ester Sund
Show Dates:
July 6, 2016 ~ August 14, 2016
Artists Reception:
July 9, 2016, 2pm - 5pm
Guest Artists: Tim Dixon, Tony Mininno, Loretta Loy & Miriam Owen
Also showing: The Juried Cigar Box Show

Marylu Downing & Ken Berman ~ Angles & Curves
Guest Artists: Char Banach, Don Sumner,
Ron Sumner & Kate Williams
Show Dates:
May 24, 2016 ~ July 3, 2016
Artists Reception:
Saturday, May 28, 2016, 2pm - 5 pm

Rik Olson ~ What was I Thinking?
Guest Artists: Rose Easterbrook, Peter Fronk,
Adriane Hatkoff & Susan Peterson
Show Dates:
April 12, 2016 ~ May 22, 2016
Artists Reception:
Saturday, April 16, 2016, 2pm - 5 pm

Graton Gallery Partners Show
Nine Artists ~ Nine Perspectives
Sally Baker, Susan R. Ball, Marylu Downing,
Bruce K. Hopkins, Rik Olson, Pamella Powell,
Susan Proehl, Sandra Rubin & Mylette Welch
Guest Artists: Jill See, Nancy Lee,
Steve Richards & Tim Haworth
Show Dates:
March 1, 2016 ~ April 10, 2016
Artists Reception:
Saturday, March 5, 2016, 2pm - 5 pm

5th Annual Small Works 2016 Juried Show GGSW5
194 artworks by 128 artists have been selected by our Jurors: Sandra Speidel and Clark Mitchell
Show Dates: January 27, 2016 - February 28, 2016
Artists Reception: Saturday, January 30, 2016, 2pm - 5 pm

“Under the Influence”
Featuring Sally Baker &
Taylor Gutermute with Susan Ryan
Guest Artists: Charlotte Ballenger, Jill See, Marcy Silveira and Lynn Slade
Show Dates: December 15, 2015 - January 24, 2016
Reception: Saturday, December 19, 2015, 2pm - 5 pm

“Double Vision”
Paintings and more by Bruce K Hopkins and Susan Shore
Guest Artists: Cynthia Jackson-Hein, Clair Fenton May, Helen Mehl and Jennifer Whitfield,
Show Dates: November 3 - December 13, 2015
Reception: Saturday, November 7, 2015, 2pm - 5 pm

“2 Susans”
Plein Air by Susan Ball, Abstracts by Susan Proehl
Guest Artists: Don Van Amerongen, Jennifer Holmes, Rosemary Ward and Peter Fronk
Show Dates: September 22 - November 1, 2015
Artists Reception: Saturday, September 26, 2015, 2pm - 5 pm

new work by Mylette Welch
Guest Artists: Barbara Goodman, Carolyn Wilson, Jan Thomas and Angel Fabela
Show Dates: August 11 - September 20, 2015
Artists Reception: Saturday, August 15, 2015, 2pm - 5 pm
Also showing: The Juried Cigar Box Show

Marylu Downing with guest Patrick Fanning ~ “Chiaroscuro”
Guest Artists: Judy Bellah, Beverly Bird, Michelle Carnes, Dan Scannell & Ron Sumner
Show Dates: June 30 - August 9, 2015
Reception: Saturday, July 11, 2015, 2pm - 5 pm

“three ~ oil, glass and pastel”
Sandra Rubin with Carla Sarvis & E. Ryder Sutton
Guest Artists: Kerri Brandau, Brian Cluer, Rosemary Ward & Jennifer Whitfield
Show Dates: May 19 - June 28, 2015
Reception: Saturday, May 30, 2015, 2pm - 5 pm

Pamela Powell & Rik Olson ~ “Musings”
Guest Artists: Elizabeth Peyton, Vi Strain, Nancy Wheeler Klippert, Holly Jordan, Shaw Lux & Nancy Ricciardi
Show Dates: April 7 - May 17, 2015
Reception: Saturday, April 11, 2015, 2pm - 5 pm

Small Works ~ An Annual Juried Show
Show Dates: February 24 - April 5, 2015
Reception: Saturday, February 28, 2015, 2pm - 5 pm
We are pleased to be showing 175 artworks created by 115 local artists selected by our juror,
Linda Schroeter from Russian River Atelier. Come and enjoy our local art scene.

Anything Goes ~ A Juried Show
Show Dates: January 13 - February 22, 2015
Reception: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 2pm - 5 pm
We are pleased to be showing the 119 artworks created by 93 local artists selected by our jurors,
Sandra Speidel & Clark Mitchell, 2 of Sonoma County's favorite artists.

Fun & Games ~ Mylette Welch with friends
Nancy Winn & Diane Allison- Stroud
Guest Artists: Cynthia Jackson-Hein, Ann Sete,
Deire Shibano & Marcia Lavine
Show Dates: December 2, 2014 - January 11, 2015
Artists Reception: Saturday, December 6, 2pm - 5pm

Drake's Estero from Limantour. Oil on canvas.
James Freed ~ New and Recent Paintings
Paintings included will feature local landscape and architectural subjects. For more information about the artist, please visit www.jamesfreed.com
Show Dates: October 21 - November 30, 2014
Also featuring the continued showing of selected work by Bruce K. Hopkins,with Guest Artists Jan Thomas, Bill Gittins, Beverly Bird, and Jami Taback
Artists Reception: Saturday, October 25, 2pm - 5pm

Bruce K Hopkins

Susan Shore
Bruce K Hopkins & Susan Shore ~ “Double Feature”
Show Dates:
September 23 - October 19, 2014
with Guest Artists Florence Bass & Larry Stefl
Artists Reception:
Saturday, September 27, 2pm - 5pm

Artists on Fire ~ a show of artworks created in and on match boxes.
- September 23 - October 19, 2014
Artists Reception: Saturday, September 27, 2pm - 5pm

Sandra Rubin ~ Teachers and Influences
Featuring paintings by Sandra Rubin alongside works by artists who have influenced and inspired her:
Alan Azhderian
Lisa Beernsten
Gary Blackman
Ron Cooper
Michael Coy
Alan Johnson
Maury Lapp
Sara Spaulding Philips
Susan Proehl
Carole Watanabe
with Guest Artists Tim Haworth, Steven Ashton,
Justine Gotthart and Florence Bass
Show Dates:
August 5 - September 21, 2014
Artists Reception:
Saturday August 9, 2pm - 5pm

Linda Ratzlaff

Pamela Powell
Scenes from the Road ~ Linda Ratzlaff & Pamela Powell
with Guest Artists Nicole Ours, Judith Corning,
and Willow Leland-Yeilding
Show Dates: June 24 - August 3, 2014
Artists Reception: Saturday June 28, 2pm - 5pm

Marylu Downing

Barbara Hoffmann
In Water ~ Marylu Downing, Mixed Media & Barbara Hoffmann, works in Clay
with Guest Artists John Gruenwald, Maria Ester-Sund, Peter Fronk, and Karyn Craig
Show Dates: May 13 - June 22, 2014:
Artists Reception: Saturday May 17, 2pm - 5pm
Dive In....the water's fine...

Out of Our Minds ~ Susan R. Ball & Rik Olson
Show Dates: April 1 - May 11, 2014:
with Guest Artists Phil Wright and Mayr McLean ~ Rhen Benson
Artists Reception: Saturday, April 5, 2014, 2pm - 5pm

Graton Gallery presents:
Small Works 2014
Second Annual Juried Small works Exhibition - Feb 25 - March 30, 2014:
Juror: Bob Nugent

Dennis Ziemienski

Timothy Horn

Lisa Rosenstreich

Susan Gonzales

Graton Gallery presents:
The Eighth Annual Invitational Exhibition Jan 14 - Feb 23, 2014:
Featuring 32 of Northern California's well-known painters, print makers and sculpors.
Artists Reception: Saturday, January 18. 2014, 2pm-5pm
For the eighth year, Graton Gallery brings together an outstanding collection of fine art by thirty two of Northern California's most well-known and admired master painters, printmakers and sculptors for the foremost art event of 2014, the Invitational Exhibition.
“This annual exhibit has grown in stature over the years”, says Rik Olson, originator and curator of the Invitational. “It's exciting to have so many important artists assembled in one show”.
Invitational #8 Artists:
Chester Arnold
Francis Arnold
D.A. Bishop
Jane Cavala
Janet Charnofsky
Suzanne Edminster
Glenda Frost
Susan Gonzales
Nelson Hee
Timothy Horn
Cheryl Itamura
Mary Jarvis
Julia Kalkbrenner
Karen Kelly
Tom Killion
Diana Majundar
Clark Mitchell
Soo Noga
Susan Proehl
Eric Rewitzer
Lisa Rosenstreich
Anissa Rust
Terry Sauvé
Jud Smith
Sandra Speidel
David Stohl
Inna Talantova
Joseph Westheimer
Hillary Younglove
Dennis Ziemienski

Nelson Hee

Terry Sauvé

Sally Baker - New Watercolors
with Featured Artist Carla Bratt and
Guest Artists Kacie Gansel and Tamra Sanchez
Show Dates: December 4, 2013 - January 12, 2014
Opening Reception: Saturday, December 7, 2pm - 5pm

Seated Figure - Sandra Rubin
Matsuda Lane Barn - James Freed

Honeysuckle Melon - Peter Krohn
Marcia Lavine
New Work: Paintings by
James Freed & Sandra Rubin
Also on display are Guest Artists Peter Krohn and Marcia Lavine
Show Dates: October 22 - December 1, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, October 26, 2013
ARTrails 2013 Preview Show
Show Dates: September 24 - October 20, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, October 5, 3pm - 6pm
ARTrails, the annual Sonoma County Open studio event occurs weekends, October 12&13 and October 19&20, 2013
The following Gallery Partners are also participating in ARTrails. Consider stopping by their studios during the show.
Rik Olson: #130 on the ARTrails Map
Soo Noga: #77 on the ARTrails Map
Mylette Welch: #144 on the ARTrails Map
Susan Ball: #158 on the ARTrails Map
Martha Wade: #132 on the ARTrails Map
Linda Ratzlaff: #129 on the ARTrails Map
Sally Baker: #112 on the ARTrails Map
For downloadable ARTrails Maps visit: ARTrails Maps
For more ARTrails information visit: www.sonomaarts.com/artrails/

“In Pursuit of Happiness”
Susan R. Ball - Paintings & Frances Arnold - Fabric Art
Also on display are Guest Artists Thomas Creed and Bill Cutler
Show Dates: August 13 - September 22, 2013
Opening Reception: Sunday, August 18, 2pm - 5pm

Mylette Welsh & Maria-Esther Sund ~ “Summer Songs”
Also on display are Guest Artists Popi Tyler and Larry Cannon
Show Dates: July 2 - August 11, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, July 6, 2pm - 5pm

Soo Noga & B K Hopkins
Also on display are Guest Artists Nina Bonos and Sherri Ortegren
Show Dates: May 21 - June 30, 2013
Opening Reception: Friday, May 31, 4pm - 7pm

Rik Olson ~ "A Look Back" Paintings, block prints & wood engravings.
Also on display are Guest Artists Judy Hutchison, painting and Phil Wright, photography
Show Dates: April 9 - May 19, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 13, 2-4 pm

Small Works - A juried show of mixed media artwork Feb 26 - April 7, 2013:
Jurors: The show has been juried by well known artists: Sandra Speidel & Clark Mitchell
Also on display are Guest Artists Phyllis Calvin Thomas and Sterling Hoffman
Opening Reception: March 3, Sunday, 2-5 pm
The Seventh Annual Invitational Exhibition Jan 15 - Feb 24, 2013:
Reception: Sunday January 20, 2-5pm
For the seventh year, Graton Gallery brings together an outstanding collection of fine art by thirty four of Northern California's most well-known and admired master painters, printmakers and sculptors for the foremost art event of 2013, the Invitational Exhibition.
“This annual exhibit has grown in stature over the years”, says Rik Olson, originator and curator of the Invitational. “It's exciting to have so many important artists assembled in one show”.

Invitational #7 Artists: